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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 18, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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this, i want to be free. trish: good for that dog. be free. >> thank you. trish: kat timpf thank you. >> kennedy begins now. kennedy: thank you. you blew it, "new york times" blew the story on supreme court justice brett kavanaugh, they have since apologized. but democrats still pushing for his impeachment. despite major flaws in the piece on the sexual misconductal allegations. what will it end. only problem, woman in question reportedly declined to be interviewed, and has zero recollection of the alleged incidents. that tidbit was not in the
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article. today, the old gray lady was thrown under a city bus. >> there was an oversight, this key detail about the fact that the woman hers told friends she does not remember it, has not wanted to talk about it got cut, it was an oversight, and the times adjusted it, we're sorry it happened. kennedy: come on, you can do better. why would they run with that story? "new york times" has it in for the president, and their blind obsession to ruin him, caused them to make so many mistakes, today, president trump came to cakavanaugh's defense, saying: e has been hurt so badly, so unfair, he is a good man.
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after this latest blunder, you would think that democrats would have decency and where with wall on let it go, but no. today, massachusetts congresswoman, squad member ironna presley introduced impeachment articles perhaps against justice brett kavanaugh, said she is moving ahead with the probe, she said shy believed last year's testimony by accuser dr. ford, but now even her testimony is coming to question after her friend, who is central to her story came forward to the new book's authors, saying she is kep skeptical of ford's accusations. so, are any of these allegations true. can the "new york times" be trusted. what are the democrats doing pinning their tails on this
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donkey. we break it down. with your partyanel. welcome to you. >> hello. kennedy: some of these are falling apart, that is not ains dedental woop see. that is central to this climb therclaimthat there is another r laying a serial pattern of misconduct by then young collegiate brett kavanaugh. >> back in the day, "new york times" was a reported journalistic newspaper. it is not right now. this hurts their business. i find it hard to believe they would do their just because they were out for trump, that is beyond sloppy, i write every week fox, this is how it goes, we about back and
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forth, they have edits, final edits, then they always ask me, since i wrote it, my name is on it, are you okay with these edits. i find what you say on the view, can they do better, just throwing editor under the bus? this is failure from author, reporters, editors to the top at "new york times," and with reimarregard to impeachment, ple don't say democrats, most of the democrats are poo-pooing this. kennedy: bernie sanders, elizabeth warren. kamala harris, they are all talks about impeaching breath brett. impeachinimpeach brettkavanaugh. >> i don't hear joe biden doing it and kamala harris is not a top nominee, she is flipping.
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she keeps dropping. kennedy: in a field of -- >> yang is doing better than she in california. if a victim said, i don't recall this, you don't have an accusation. >> right. kennedy: no. >> you can't have a witness to the crime if there is no recollection o of a crime. kennedy: there are so many layers, brett kavanaugh was 18 years old. i don't think that there is a bigger ding dong phase in anyone's life when the prefrontal cortex detaches from the rest of the brain. >> there is an interesting president. if you want to be an adult, the way real people talk, this is not excusable to rub our
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genitalia on someone in college. but idea you forget this detail, this is the weakest -- that detail is not something that needed to be in a story, that detail is disqualifying for running the story. if the supposed victim, is not claiming to be a victim, not claiming this happened. this not even a believe we have to -- not even we have to believe all women story, there is no story to believe. kennedy: that was part of senate confirmation process, that is not new, that is background but that becomes the headline in story if the rest of it falls apart. there is no reason for publishing the rest. >> right, there was nothing, for this squad member to say, i believe dr. ford, i don't think this is how serious adults talk. i believe this, what evidence
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coyodoyou have, and what reason. kennedy: ford said, my friend well -- leland kaiser of with me, and now leland kaiser said, i don't believe this story. she says, i think she is full of hot malarky. >> it is in the news, they have successfully done what they want. kennedy: authors have. >> we are talking about it again, it was put to bed, we are now again talking about brett kavanaugh. i think what they are trying to do as overall narrative, tryg to frame another villain, i think they already have president trump, now they will go become, pull out a guest on from the past, brett kavanaugh, they are also focusing on mitch mcconnell. they have their 3 villains they are setting up, they will have
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their narrative. kennedy: you know what is curious to me. i am wondering someone likal -- al franken feels about this. he has to say, look how easy it is to destroy someone's career. this is all you need, then a newa allegations and the mob, but brett kavanaugh did not withdraw his name, he withstood the process, now he goes through it again, needlessly. hopefully we adjust our compartment moving forward, and find people who are best qualified and never lived outside of a cave or a bubble who have no untoward interaction with any human being. we'll have the panel back, they are so good.
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>> first up, other big circus in washington, corey lewandowski testifying in front of house judiciary committee as parts of democrat impeachment investigation, lewandowski and anti-trumpers, they did not play nice. texas congresswoman sheila jackson lee asked lewandowski if president urged him to do his dirty work, he threw it back in her face. >> i would be happy to answer your question or you can have a conversation by yourself. if you ask a question. >> this is a house judiciary not a house party. >> if you ask a question, give me the opportunity to answer. >> i would like my time restored please. kennedy: i would like my time restored too, but i'll never get it back, after watching, what is that recent mark movie, mega---?
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oh, the meg. lewandowski accused her of ranting, not asking questions, then a rant of his own. >> i think that fake russia collusion nairtive is the greatest crime committed against the american people in our generation, this president was duly elected by american people, and members of certain bodies refuse to support those results, but you support hillary clinton and barack obama that is a different sit of rules, american people find it very unfair, there no accountability of fisa abuse, and spying and lives ruined because they wanted to support a candidate for ha president of the united states, i think this is shameful. kennedy: former trump aides ignores subpoena to testify.
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was this anything more than political theater, joining me to discuss this. bob barr, welcome back, sir. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: what did corey lewandowski do today. >> he did what a lot of people in america, i think would love to see more people do when they appear before the congressional bodies, he eviscerated them, drove a stake through there are heart. one thing that democrats may be thinking but not admit, we might have made a mistake in having our first witness on this impeachment che charade corey lewandowski is gave it back to
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them better than they gave it to him. kennedy: it sounds like they were not prepared. most people dread going before the committees, you saw how robert mueller reacted, he looked exhausted and annoyed. corey lewandowski was empowered at this trolling. >> corey is about 50 or 60 years younger than mueller, that gives him a little bit of an advantage. kennedy: 60 years younger? >> as majority party, democrats, they get their talking points together. i saw several interviews with members of house judiciary committee after the hearing, they stuck to their talking points, but on the panel, they were unprepared, reason they were unprepared and fumbled, they were facing a witness who is not only smart but street
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smart, that is very dangerous if you are invite a witness to appear before your subcommittee, be careful who you ask. kennedy: i agree. and i don't think they did a good job of anticipating his answers and reaction. and you know corey lewandowski is not one to push away political theater, he did take the opportunity to tweet out his senate launch. during the recess. and there were some members like jeffries who were upset about, that i have to say if congress shines a spotlight on you, it is wise to tap dance. >> it is, there is an old expression, i could sure, hosted on your own -- hoisted on your own. they got hoisted on the pittard
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of their own making. only thing, you have jackson lee that brought back nightmares of my years on judiciary committee listening to sheila jackson lee, drone on and on and on, never ask a question. kennedy: no, and it is amazing but people like that are sent back to congress. we're so well represented there in washington. congressman barr thank you. >> always a pleasure. kennedy: very good. u.s. officials say that they are convinced that attacks on saudi oil facilities came from iran. but president and pentagon still pushing. will cooler heads prevail? we'll discuss and debate in moments.
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great presentation, tim. could you email me the part about geico making it easy to switch and save hundreds? oh yeah, sure. um. you don't know my name, do you? (laughs nervously) of course i ow your name. i just get you mixed up with the other guy. what's his name? what's your name? switch to geico®. you could save 15% or more on car insurance. could you just tell me? i want this to be over. fun fact:
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at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. kennedy: the drums the war grow louder by the minute. the standoff with iran begins to reach a feeble pitch. officials telling fox news that
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attack on saudi arabia oil facility definitely originated inside of iran, claiming it was too sophisticated a strike for the yemeni rebels who claim responsibility. but we have no evidence of that yet. i would like proof. cooler heads so far have prevailed, president trump claimed he does not want a battle with iran. and pentagon urges restraint. we learn generals have given president's full menu of military options, vice president pence warning iran that u.s. is in no mood to play games. >> if iran conducted this latest attack to pressure president trump to back off, they will fail. kennedy: oh, girl. new satellite images of the facility that saudi arabia claims, they will have back on-line in about two weeks. should we risk getting involved.
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over a potential hot war over an attack in a country that will barely affect any americans. the party panels i back. let's say it was iran. they not attack us, they bombed saudi arabian oil fields, i still don't understand how that a premise for u.s. to have any military retaliation? >> well, in fact, there is just as good an argument we should retaliate against the saudis if they attack iran. america was not attacked by shiites, he were attacked by radical sunnis, and we're on wrong side, it makes no sense for us to be on this side, and we have not seen any evidence it was iran, we're just asked to just the same people who got the intelligence wrong in iraq and yemen and syria and libya.
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they have been getting intelligence wrong in iran. my inter life, i am 36 years old, netanyahu promised me that iran is 3 years away from a nuclear weapon. you can go back to late 80s, he has been wrong every time, let's see a shred of evidence, even if there is, there no reason to get into a war, every war in this region is a disast disaster. kennedy: adding up cost and death. >> pales in -- debt. >> that pails in comparison to millions of lives. issue of the middle eastern and northern african people who die, innocent people there who die, that is a problem. how -- >> we only talk about american lives, yes. >> i've been talking about
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starving kids, and american bombs, how that is unacceptable, saudis are not our friends, i don't think that is a naive position, that a position that one can arrive at wit with withe open. kennedy: your side is better, hillary clinton. >> she is not president, she is not trying to go to iran. >> the war in yemen started under brac barack obama, this iy much his responsibility, to placate the saudis. >> we're talking about iran blamed for something that rebels have taken responsibility for, to me, just look at it from iran's perspective, to your point, i agree 100%, every year,
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every month, enriching uranium and they are going to kill us and wipe our buddies in the middle east off the map. kennedy: they talk about that. >> right, but reality, raise ell and united states have enough nuclear weapons to make iran a parking lot in 15 minutes or less. >> which we also talk about. kennedy: maybe nuclear armament is good for iran. >> iran -- does not need to doe- to do this, we knew, when we pulled out of ir iran deal they might build a -- i'm saying this is not iran's characteristic, highway the how they historicaly
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have operated. they don't need to mess with saudi arabia, they know they are sitting ducks for u.s. and israel. i think -- >> they still invade and support state sponsored terrorism. >> we're dealing with three leaders, one unpredict able in u.sunited states, and two others that are a little unhinged. it is confusing we did away with iranian nuclear deal. and now you know we got rid of the biggest hawk, which wassionn bolton. >> thank god. >> this is going this way, we're hadinheading into this crisis wh
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renpredictableection no one knows which way. kennedy: for people who slam the president, he has been consistent in anti-intervention implemenanti-interventionism, hs bluster on occasion, bolton of other than bluster, and generals realize the cost of war, once you start something it is starting it, there are fan ofs o fans ofwarlike war, like they are fans of football. >> that is -- he is talking about getting out. it is a good sign that bolton is out, and they are not jumping to case of let's any to war, every american is the after last 6 wars to intelligence turns out the be on counter to what we
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were told. kennedy: let's not pretend this is secret and we can't have access to it. let's pretend we're all adults, we come to a logical conclusion, that is peace. more with the panel after the break. from new york to california, state governments over react to vaping related dates and illnesses with an all out assault over e-cig grelts. next. managing type 2 diabetes? audrey's on it. eating right and staying active? on it! audrey thinks she's doing all she can to manage her type 2 diabetes and heart disease, but is her treatment doing enough to lower her heart risk? [sfx: crash of football players colliding off-camera.] maybe not. jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease.
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kennedy: vaping is worse than killer robots, not really, there is a lot of hysteria around mystery lung illnesses that
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cause agony and death, but a few nannies. new york, michigan and california call for blanket bans and toxic regulation on jen-z's favorite favoritenick -- >> if you are it burns living crap out of
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sensitive tissue in your heart parts. does this shut down the demand. s -- blackreases flac market, good job. michigan glai flav flavored e-s .
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governors and presidents are not parents, should not treat us like mentally deficient children. who will hasten our own deaths. unless every decision is made for us, vaping helps people quit huffing butts twice as fast at other methods, i would rather see something legal and safe than prohibited and deadly. vap in peace. while you can. that is the memo. president, health and human service secretary said last week, they will be banning all flavored vaps
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nationwide. we're back with the party panel. what do you think about the if the aligning himself with the governors in place like california and new york. >> it might be better to be safe than sorry. i think that the -- we do not know. vaping is new. it has been around but it is new. do i think it is harmful as cigarettes, no way, they are better. kennedy: what do people do if they can't vap? will they bike ride. >> no. >> what is the alternative. >> it might first manufacturers to look at maybe different types of ingredients to make it maybe -- not more healthy by make them rethink the
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ingredient. kennedy: who has more of a vested interest in providing customers with a healthier product, black market drug dealers or a big company like juul. >> i think a big company like juul will look at ingredient, and make an appeal too get their-cigs remarketed with new ingredients, it would not take long. kennedy: they are not problem. it is the fact that drug dealers, who are operating in a black market take liquid thc, and mix it with other stuff, i joke about customer service, there no number you can call when your thc is burning your lungs. >> there are a lot of problems to your point, my
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husband is a physician, i always ask him medical side, he said there is not enough research. >> or maybe too much competition for big industries. >> look at it from the you know, humanitarian health perspective and a parent. you say we as parents have a responsibility and that, but when i was 12, and tried a cigarette, my mother did not give me permission for that, i got it from someone who was old enough to get it for me. this is more attractive it smells nice, it tastes nice compared to sill greats, people have -- cigarettes, people have a belief, we don't know in it safer for our bodies. when you talk about banning, you say, left -- no a liberal, i am like,
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you know, i like my own decisions, but in state of california. they started banning smoking everywhere, you could not smoke here then around, then not on the block. what happened? people quit smoking. kennedy: dave. >> i think we're missing point. i think that idea of what the health issues sorry separate from what is important about this conversation, i think it is clear vaping is healthier than smoking, that said, what you are talking with here, is throwing a human being in a cage for 6 months, for having more than 4 of these liquid pod pods. that is happening in a state in u.s. of america, that is horrific. that is the model. kennedy: and president and health and human service secretary. >> a hundred years later we
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still have not have not learned lesson of prohibition is depressing. juul has not been proven to produce unhealthy products, and question, to me, chemicals to, does the government have a right to tell an adult when they can put in their body. >> but what if not a adult. >> then parents do that. >> on-line -- >> we already have laws again children smoking these, you can say yes people get out of those laws okay, but proving that something is a while damage, about 50% of murders in america, people are drunk,. kennedy: how many people die every year -- >> i can't compare them, because alcohol is far worse. >> sugar is worse. >> it is true, look at what people put in their bodies.
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>> it is if republicans to want go down road of saying this is a while problem. -- as a health problem. don't claim that freedom. kennedy: don't say you are president of deregulation, when you shut down a aldustry based on e anecdote evidence. >> but for safety. >> you are create a climate that the be structurally far less safe. that is -- >> what about warning labels. >> warning labels --? we have to go. thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: good to talk with you. coming up. flyers you get in your mail with free stuff. some democrat promise a lot of economic goodies.
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scotty martin will join me, with the fine print. stay away, not from him, he is next. can my side be firm?
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♪ killing me softly, that is last night's mouth trumpet monday song, this week's winner two of them. everyone got mad because i didn't pick chad first, my twitter did not load everyone at the same time. democratic presidential candidates are trying to convince voters they will create a utopia with a bunch of feel good policies.
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booker with a federal job guarantee, this is smoke and mirrors to fool voters? with me now scott martin is back, welcome back. >> hi. kennedy: tell me about some of the unintended consequences of the freebies. >> gosh, they turn out to be lies, more they trick people who voting for these folks, and people find out they lie until they till the next lie, they believe that. let's say zealots on the left, they have for saying, everyone will get everything free, they get something or most people, it is paid for, when you hear a government agency. kennedy: shovel ready jobs. >> paid for or covered, you run the other way, live the country
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-- leave the country. kennedy: they use the words like ultimately, it is no, give me a timeline, a plan, they can't do that, people like bernie sanders say, we'll save money, spending 3 trillion a year on medicare for all. it is hogwash. these are all lies, this is nonsense, it does not make people's lives better, people who are most need in help are last to get it. >> yes, and the people that are in need of that help, almost don't want the help they are getting, in a sense of, i don't top speak for them, if you giving handouts to people, i have talked to fks, it feels cheap, yes, they get over the hump, with intermediary means, but they want training, motivation and opportunities, they don't want handouts for most case, government just
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saying here, you are in this situation because of xyz reasons, we'll make you give you this to make you feel better, it makes the situation worse. kennedy: it does. you can't unring an e entitlemet bell once you ring it. you can't take them away when people are addicted to free cap. that federal jobs guarantee, with sick time, and maternity leave, and benefits and a living wage, whatever that is, so vaguely designed, this is a big lie, socialism is built on a lie, don't listen, scotty martin thank you. >> see yeah. kennedy: naughty scotty, look at that, topical storm is next. i mean, if you haven't thought about switching to geico,
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kennedy: we have news from the british royals, 6-year-old prince george reportedly invited a few classmates for play dates at the palace, but they need to be vetted for security beforehand, they need to know if they are allergic to nuts, so
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they keep them away from mehgan markle. this is the topical storm. yes. topic one. nuts. start with "dancing with the stars," sean spicer danced like nobody was watching according to ratings, he was right. ♪ kennedy: he looks like a spastic muppet, i love it. he killed last night, because after coming on stage, in that outfit, several of his friends died of open embarrassment, i say that with all due respect to sean's wardrobe consultant and seeing a dogs.
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internet can't nuclear. but lamar odom wants to dance again. team is sad that sean could not isrisis a -- dance his way to victory. he could take heart in knowing he did boater in front of the judges than paul manafort. topic two. to great state of washington, a delivery driver did a bang up job. that is why you never hire a transport that gets paid in pr.
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>> thankfully driver was not going fast. washington has legalized weed. but classic car crash cost 20 thousand in damages or as owner said in u.s.ed car ad, nothing. it is in showroom condition. assuming that the showroom is in bosnia. always look to see the carfax. no one was hurt. highway patrol still calling it biggest disaster of the year. when you google, you get this. ♪ come back.
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topic three. two for tuesday, nobody knows better than a connecticut woman, who was busted for a dui twice in bo one day. courtney is her name, that is not true, she is a fro pro prodn on our show. 64-year-old, does not look a day over 80. ellen o'neal allegedly crashed her lexus into a parked car, at 2 in afternoon, don't judge her it was 7 a.m. somewhere. that is bloody mary hour. she was released. despite fact she claimed to be wonder woman. , she filmed a sequel later that day.
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on plus side. they will never find a jury of her peers, they are passed out on park benches or voting for sean spicer on "dancing with the stars," the hammered honey is outtao bail. we all know. be right -and...that's your basic three-point turn. -[ scoffs ] if you say so. ♪ -i'm sorry? -what teach here isn't telling you is that snapshot rewards safe drivers with discounts on car insurance. -what? ♪ -or maybe he didn't know. ♪ [ chuckles ] i'm done with this class. -you're not even enrolled in this class. -i know. i'm supposed to be in ceramics. do you know -- -room 303. -oh. thank you. -yeah. -good luck, everybody.
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jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. that means jardiance can help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. plus, jardiance lowers a1c and it could help you lose some weight. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast or urinary tract infections, and sudden kidney problems. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. a rare, but life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. lower a1c and lower risk of a fatal heart attack? on it... with jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. the type 2 diabetes pill that's on it. learn more at kennedy: thank you so much for
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watching the best hour of your day. follow me. tomorrow night, corey lewandowski, mollie hemingway, the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey


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